Joelyn's Book Bites

Joelyn’s Book Bites #1:28

Book Bitse

Everyone has their story. Some seem more fortunate than others, some seem to need that extra push of luck. In truth, everyone has their own difficulties, their own advantages. However, it still remains a fact that despite all this talk, there are people who need that extra hand to continue with their story.

Captain Jon, for one, has his own story. And his story, though I have told it here, goes like so:

The Story of Captain Jon

“Woooshhhh… 731 paper planes and counting!” Captain Jon exclaimed in excitement. It was a bright and sunny Sunday morning, but looking at the plane pictures he had drawn on the walls, the same school of thoughts entered his mind again. Happiness start to slowly fade as he was once again confronted by his disability. However, his undying love for aviation, as well as his natural talent for creativity fuelled his desire to be as close to the aviation world as he could.


Very Special Arts Singapore (VSA) aids people with disabilities to find independence and social integration through the use of art because well, art has no barriers. Help them reach out to people in need… Here’s How:

1) Go to
2) Make a donation
3) Write a line or two for the story in the comment box
4) Start and finish your lines with #story (E.g. #story And he met someone on the street #story)
5) Post your comment
6) Spread the word and thank you loads for your generous donation!

Without Art, the world will be a very boring one indeed. Help Captain Jon colour his aviation dream through the use of art. Help VSA reach out to people like Captain Jon and colour their lives.

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